Sunday, February 23, 2020

International trade Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

International trade - Essay Example Consequently, I would involve National Labor Regulation Act (NLRA) senior officials as external forces to help bring sanity in the negotiation process because Custer is a private sector organization and is therefore regulated by NLRA. I would advice union members not to report to duty and stay calm if Custer’s officials staged a lockout for a day. If union members were to go on strike and the court gives an injunction against the strike, I would appeal against the injunction and pursue the strike agenda until the members’ grievances are addressed by Custer officials. The major advantage of collective bargaining negotiation is that its multi-factor aspect necessitates furnished negotiation research that is important (Oraro 106). However, political nature of union officials may make collective bargaining negotiation a nightmare because union officials forget this political aspect thus embarrassing their members publicly. The real problem is the fact that union members have turned down the offer of salary reduction that would be followed by reinstatement of the current salary figure and a further three percent increment in their wages. I would use interest based bargaining technique to force union members to accept my offer. The advantage of this is that both the union and the employers could use separate factions to consider the dissimilar options that might be undertaken to address the matter at hand. The meetings can be held away from the public and thus advocate for options that had not been used before. The major disadvantage of this is the difficulty with which to determine if certain topics are compulsory bargaining topics that have to be discussed with the union (Oraro 113). A call for a strike by the union would disrupt work schedule and probably lead to poor financial results. Interest based bargaining does not mean that one party gives in to the demands of the other. This would consequentl y mean that the company must not

Friday, February 7, 2020

UNIT 4 seminar Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

UNIT 4 seminar - Research Paper Example Process evaluation comprises of assessment activities integrated into the implementation of the program. The purpose of the process evaluation is to determine the potential success or failure of a certain program. It assesses the implementation of a given program (Royse, Thyer, & Padgett, 2010). It may require a detailed description of the program, constant monitoring as well as quality assurance check. On the other hand, outcome evaluation is carried out after the conclusion of the implementation program in a bid to determine whether the program really works. Moreover, outcome evaluation assesses the efficiency of the program on the target population. After a successful search for formative evaluation in the Kaplan Library, 8,648 appeared. This number was shocking because the scholarly articles yielded were too many. With such a high number of results, only a limited number of them are relevant. After the search of process evaluation in the same library, 1,182,652 results appeared (Smith, 2006). When outcome evaluation was searched on the Kaplan Library, the search yielded only 16 results. This number was also shocking because it showed that limited researches on this aspect has been done. When formulating objectives, experts have highlighted that they should be measurable and specific. Measurable objectives are subject to successful assessment or evaluation yielding results that determine whether they are effective (Kellaghan, Madaus, & Stufflebeam, 2000). On the other hand, specificity is critical in formulating objectives as it minimizes chances of confusing ideas. Evidently, the three types of evaluation are critical in the adoption of any program as they reflect the potential of any program in addressing the needs of the target